My Experience at the Academy Museum of Motion Picture
"Films have the power not only to salve our discontent with the world but to make us realize the yearnings within our hearts." - Hayao Miyazaki
I grew up with films of all different genres and have fell in love with the countless stories that continue to impact audiences all around the world. One of my favorite films, is Gattaca, which is a 1997 Sci-Fi film that follows a young man named Vincent who has a dream of going into space. However, the fate of individuals in world he lives in is determined by their genetics and he must overcome obstacles to achieve his dream. There is one quote that Vincent mentioned in the film that resonated with me while in college, "I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal than when I was standing right beside it." I was attending college with the goal to obtain a degree and was putting in the work for every requirement necessary. The experience felt like a never ending marathon even though I was taking classes on the very campus where I would eventually graduate. I find this film intriguing as many key principles of biology blend themselves into the characters that make a film more than just a scientific breakdown of information. The concepts are interconnected with issues that arise from the themes presented and are personal to the relationships of the characters overall.

There are no words to describe how excited I was to see this wonderful museum. Since it's opening on September 30th, I knew I had wanted check out the Hayao Miyazaki exhibit in particular. I booked tickets as soon as I was able to in anticipation to see this newly established museum had in store. The Academy Museum is a museum dedicated to the rich history, techniques, and revelations that film has to offer.
When I stepped into the Academy Museum, there is a sense of awe and wonder that overcame me. There was a grand presence that I immediately got excited about as I went through each exhibit The Stories of Cinema Exhibit was a three-floor exhibit which highlighted works of several films both domestically and internationally. One of key stand outs for me was the Bruce Lee area which paid tribute to Lee's films and displayed one of the outfits that he wore.

As a long time lover of Studio Ghibli and Miyazaki's works, I was captivated by the immense detail that went into the exhibition overall. I was transported into the worlds of My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, and so many other of Miyazaki's beloved films. I loved how when you entered the exhibit it showcased clips in both English and Japanese from the various films. I also enjoyed looking through the concept art for Miyazaki's films and earlier works that he helped create. I felt like a child again absorbing the imaginative worlds that Miyazaki brought to life in his films. My personal favorite is Castle in the Sky as I have always had an adventurous side to go and explore exciting places. The giant tree display and kodomas in the exhibit were a nice touch to full immerse people into the true spirit of Studio Ghibli. Whether you are getting lost in a spirit world, flying high with a witch named Kiki, or hanging out with Totoro in the forest, this is a definite must see exhibit for any fan who appreciates Miyazaki.
For more information on the Academy Museum and the Hayao Miyazaki Exhibit visit the website here:

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