A Year In Reflection
This might be a bit late as it's almost fall of 2021. However, I feel it is necessary to reflect on the past year since this is something I haven't had to opportunity to write about. School has been the center of my life for as long as I can remember and there has been a major takeaway from the whole experience. There's so much more beyond being in a classroom and doing assignments for a grade that won't matter years down the line. I have grown personally from the experiences I have had particularly in college, yet much of that growth was outside of classes. I was involved in a lot of activities that peaked my interest. Writing is something that I I have always enjoyed and Her Campus was a blessing especially during the pandemic. I had an outlet to write about what matters to me and share it with my fellow peers. It has led to my current blog which is something I am proud to work on. The pandemic for many people put a lot of plans on hold and still continues to have an uncertain outcome. Many of my plans were completely changed and I had to figure out everything as time went along. It was a scary time to be a senior in college during Zoom University with a lot of uncertainties that would happen in my future. Although plans were halted, the pandemic has allowed me to reflect on portions of my life that I hadn't really been able to give focus on. I was able to slow down the grinding culture that I continuously had and was able to breathe for once. I could slow down and recognize what was truly important in my life.

Writing during the pandemic has given the subject a revitalized meaning for me and opened doors to opportunities I hadn't explored before. Poetry has always been a major source of how I express myself and writing pandemic poetry was a challenge. This was something completely new, but realized I just had to write what came to mind. There's a new perspective I have gained while writing during the pandemic and I have learned to appreciate the small moments that I wouldn't have otherwise taken into account. Friendships have blossomed despite having mainly remote interactions. Having in person meet-ups make seeing one another feel more special now since so much time has passed. The year 2020 has taught me to be more patient with myself and understand that everything in life isn't a straight line. There are many routes that people take and it's ok if I'm not part of the average crowd. I think having a unique edge is something that can set me apart because I have adapted to various situations that I have been able to handle. It may have been hard, but I am grateful for the experiences those situations did teach me. There is so much that has yet to happen, but I'll leave it up for fate to decide where I go in life.
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